‘all design’: MARA SHOW 2011-2012
‘all design’ An exhibition which brings the sixteen diverse spatial practices emerging from this year’s MA programme at the Centre for Research Architecture together into a space of productive interplay. Private View: Thursday 27th September 6 – 9pm with Geopolitical banana-wharf cocktails Exhibition: Friday 28th September till Sunday 14th October 2012, open from Thursday to [...]
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012
Posted in EVENTS
MARA: dOCUMENTA(13) Roundtable
Members of the Centre for Research Architecture organize a roundtable discussion at dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel, Germany. On July 31, 2012, members of the Centre for Research Architecture will present work generated during the MA in Research Architecture program at Goldsmiths, University of London. Selections of projects by Eva Dietrich, Irmelin Joelson, Helene Kazan, Steffen Krämer, [...]
Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
Fifth Geneva Convention
The project ‘Fifth Geneva Convention’ (5GC) consists of a series of roundtable conferences designed to debate the ethical, political and material dimensions of the legal means of protection of the ‘natural environment’ in times of armed conflict as defined by international humanitarian law, the body of law that govern the rules of conduct in warfare, [...]
Saturday, July 14th, 2012
A Memorial in Exile
Orbits of Responsibility for a War Crime from a Bosnian mine to London’s Olympic Park Press Conference Organisers Centre for Research Architecture, Grupa Spomenik, Four Faces of Omarska [PDF] 2 July 2012 Event Press Release [PDF] Opinion Piece by Susan Schuppli On July 2 2012 London’s Olympic tower — the ArcelorMittal Orbit — will [...]
Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
Posted in EVENTS, forensic architecture, UP-COMING
Teddy Cruz: Where is our collective imagination?
THE POLITICAL EQUATOR: BORDER PRACTICES FROM TIJUANA TO BEIRUT Guest architect Teddy Cruz on the question “Where is our collective imagination?” Moderator/ respondent Adrian Lahoud Ian Guillard Theatre, Whitehead Building, Thursday, May 31 2012 5-7pm PHD ROUNDTABLE SEMINAR JUNE 1-2 2012 LONDON AM: Friday, June 1 2012, 11-1pm Teddy Cruz Teddy Cruz was born [...]
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Roundtable with Bruno Latour – (CRA + SPEAP)
“If nature is no longer a mere background for human activities, what change does it entail for the arts and the social sciences?” — Roundtable Seminar – Bruno Latour and The Programme for Experimentation in Art and Politics – SPEAP (SciencesPo) together with the Centre for Research Architecture. Monday March 5th 2012, 10:00 for [...]
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

Drifting Studio Practice
Workshop with Lonnie Van Brummelen, 21 FEB – CRA – RHB 312 – 13:30 hs In my artistic practice aesthetics arise from in situ research into social-political fabric. It is my preferred approach to temporary move into a territory unknown to me, whether this is a borderland, global economics, a universal museum, or a [...]
Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Spacing Movements
Spacing Movements: Activist cartographies, militant research and the politics of knowledge production Workshop with Sebastain Cobarrubias and Maria Isabel Casas. Centre for Research Architecture, RHB 312, Goldsmiths. Thursday – Feb 16: Starting at 10am. All welcome. Cartography, often labeled an instrument of fixation to facilitate appropriation of territory by established power structures, has more and [...]
Saturday, February 11th, 2012

The Potosi Principle: How Can We Sing the Song of the Lord in an Alien Land?
Workshop with Alice Creischer, Max Jorge Hinderer and Andreas Siekmann. Centre for Research Architecture, RHB 312, Goldsmiths. Friday – Feb 10: Starting at 10am. All welcome. The Potosi Principle: At the beginning of the 17th Century, Potosí was one of the largest cities in the world – comparable to London or Paris. During the [...]
Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Networks and Assemblages: A day-long seminar with Graham Harman
Discovering Objects Is More Important Than Eliminating Them Lecture by Graham Harman / Response by Susan Schuppli 20 January 2012 – 10:30am – 1:00pm / Goldsmiths, RHB 312 In the morning session we will try and situate the project of Speculative Realism, which was, in part, impelled by an important workshop held here at Goldsmiths [...]
Thursday, January 12th, 2012

Earth-objects and the Politics of Ecology
With the intensified speed of capitalist production acting as a force multiplier in reformatting the biosphere, nature responds as a terrifying, dark agent – blackening earth and sky. Its effects on human and non-human populations are at the same time legalscientific, military-humanitarian and ethico-political. Geo-philosophic speculation and forensics investigation into the deep history of the [...]
Monday, January 2nd, 2012

Forensic Spaces: Trials
A joint seminar series with the Forensic Architecture ERC Project and the MA Research Architecture Programme TRIAL 01: GUEST SPEAKER: LEIF DAHLBERG Tuesday, November 22nd 2011 2pm – 5pm Goldsmiths RHB 312 Leif Dahlberg received his PhD in Comparative Literature from Stockholms universitet. Before teaching Communication and Media studies at KTH he taught as senior [...]
Thursday, November 10th, 2011
Posted in EVENTS, forensic architecture, UP-COMING

THURSDAY, RHB 312 — 13 – 17HS “The systematic connections between neo-liberalism and late modern war have become something of a critical orthodoxy. For David Harvey, ‘the new imperialism’ (or ‘vulture capitalism’ as he also calls it) advances the catastrophically violent process of ‘accumulation by dispossession’: ‘All the neoconservatives have done’, he wrote in the [...]
Saturday, November 5th, 2011

MARA Graduation Show: 24:05:00
MA in Research Architecture Graduation Show Opening: Thursday September 29, 2011 – 6pm | Venue: CRA studios RHB 312+313 – Main Building, Goldsmiths 24:05:00 – Five Minutes Past Midnight Conceived as a public moment that takes the form of an exhibition, 24:05:00_Five Minutes Past Midnight leads us through ‘research in progress’ of eight participants [...]
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

The Archipelago of Extra-territoriality: A seminar with Michel Agier
The Archipelago of Extra-territoriality: A seminar with Michel Agier Respondents Thomas Keenan & John Palmesino In the present moment of history, when the process of human globalization seems to have just begun, the politics of fear expressed by the richest nations especially in Europe has lead to the end of the universal promise of [...]
Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

Emerging Publics: A Geo-Critical Forum
Thursday 9th June 2011 Goldsmiths, University of London Lecture Theatre , New Academic Building 10 AM-6:30 PM. Emerging Publics combines buzzwods of the day like “emerging nations”, “emerging markets” with the idea of the coming public. It asks what will be the new publics as partly driven by the emerging world: China, India, Africa and [...]
Thursday, June 2nd, 2011
Legal Media
Saturday 11 June, 10-6pm Day two of an event in memory of the legal and media scholar Cornelia Vismann, organised by Birkbeck School of Law and the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths. Participants include: Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Janna Graham, Lynn Turner, Kodwo Eshun, Judy Radul, and Irit Rogoff. A Legal Media Reading and Resource Space [...]
Saturday, May 28th, 2011
Posted in EVENTS, forensic architecture, UP-COMING

Giving Account – Reports, Ethnographies and Ethno-Fictions.
“Giving Account” – Reports, Ethnographies and Ethno-Fictions. 1 day workshop for Post Graduate students, all welcome. “The conjunction of ‘The Documentary Turn’ in contemporary arts practice with the importance of informal information flows concerning urgent events and small-scale life narratives around the globe — have made it imperative to re-examine the means by which information [...]
Monday, May 16th, 2011
Renzo Martens: Enjoy Poverty
Screening of “Enjoy Poverty” followed by discussion with Renzo Martens. Tuesday, 29 March – 17hrs – CRA Studio – Room 312, Goldsmiths Centre for Research Architecture – Visual Culture Department all welcome Episode III, also known as ‘Enjoy Poverty’, is the 90 minute film registration of Renzo Martens’ activities in the Congo. In an epic [...]
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011
Posted in EVENTS
PHOTO-LEXIC: The Forensic Dimensions of Photography
A One Day Conference & MA Workshop March 11 2011 hosted by the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths, University of London in collaboration with the Photo-Lexic, International Research Group, Minerva Humanities Center, Tel Aviv University. Location NEW ACADEMIC BUILDING (NAB) LG02 Goldsmiths / Time: 1:00-6:00 PM In the past two decades, photography as a discourse [...]
Tuesday, March 1st, 2011
Posted in EVENTS, forensic architecture

Human Rights Project – Bard College and Centre for Research Architecture – Goldsmiths Joint workshop on FORENSIC EVIDENCE Thursday Feb 3rd : 700pm, Artists Space, 38 Greene st, NYC TK and EW in conversation 1315 Susan Schuppli: The Forensic Imagination [ node/1217 ] 1430 Stefan Schmitt (Intl Forensic Program, Physicians for Human Rights) 1700 [...]
Friday, February 4th, 2011
Posted in EVENTS, FEATURED, forensic architecture

Politics Department and Center for Postcolonial Studies Seminar Series 2010/2011
Time: Tuesdays, 5-6:30 pm (unless otherwise stated) Venue: Senior Common Room, RHB (unless otherwise stated) Tuesday, November 23, 5pm, RHB 307 (please note location is different from Senior Common Room) Presenter: Anca Pusca (Goldsmiths, Politics) Title: “The ‘Roma Problem’ in the EU: Nomadism, (In)visible Architectures and Violence” Thursday, December 9, 6pm Presenter: Renate Holub (University [...]
Thursday, November 11th, 2010

MA in Research Architecture Graduation Exhibition Opening: Tuesday 28th at 700pm Venue: CRA studios RHB 312+313 – Main Building, Goldsmiths curated by MARA graduate Dana Behrman participants: Erhan Öze, Campbell Drake, Yazan AlKahlili, Duncan Marsden, Sidsel Hansen, Pol McLernon, Kerstin Schroedinger, Lottie Cantle, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Dana Behrman, Leen Kayyali, Ana Reis tutors: Eyal Weizman, [...]
Sunday, September 26th, 2010

RA Open Seminars : The Paradoxes of Aid #02: on Haiti
guest speaker: Peter Hallward Wednesday, 24 March, 17pm @ Goldsmith’s Research Architecture Studio, RHB 312 (main building, second floor). From donor State agencies, to WorldBank developmental programmes, to humanitarian relief and NGO-led sustainable enterprises, aid has become a global industry, effectively generating a body of discourse which counts on an international network of knowledge, institutions [...]
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Cinematic Space Sessions
Cinematic space This is a five week series of films that were selected due to a research on how cinematic space is constructed and with which means the filmic space relates and correlates with the construction of social space. This selection of films wants to draw attention to architecture‘s performative aspect and the space that [...]
Friday, February 19th, 2010
Posted in EVENTS

From donor State agencies, to WorldBank developmental programmes, to NGO humanitarianism and sustainable enterprises, Aid has become a global industry, effectively generating a body of discourse which counts on an international network of knowledge, institutions and local practices. Always inhabiting the thin border between empowerment and dependency, autonomy and support, liberation and domination, Aid seem [...]
Friday, October 23rd, 2009
Posted in EVENTS

ODD LOTS: Seminar by Sina Najafi
Moving between municipal planning archives, the artist’s estate and the changing fabric of Queens/NYC, the presentation will deal with Gordon Matta-Clark’s “Fake Estates” and the conditions under which the artist’s unfinished project was posthumously transformed into fourteen artworks available for sale to major institutions. — ODD LOTS / seminar by Sina Najafi Tuesday Oct 13th, [...]
Thursday, October 1st, 2009
Posted in EVENTS

Professor John Hutnyk and MAs and PhDs of the Centre for Cultural Studies will join us for an open Roundtable on The Communist Manifesto in preparation for David Harvey’s lecture at ICA. Thursday, 20th November, 15hs at the Centre for Research Architecture Studio, Room 312 (main building) Geographer David Harvey has written an introduction for [...]
Friday, September 25th, 2009

Commons and Enclosures: Seminar with Alberto Toscano
The increasingly attempts to privatize the commons – being it nature or our general intellect – calls to think contemporary capitalism through its fundamental original act: the internalization of what is external to its logic by means of dispossession and exclusion; the extraterritorial as the constant outside yet within frontier produced by the reproduction of [...]
Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Posted in EVENTS

Model Court @ CCA
Model Court is a two-week inhabitation of CCA 1 as a model of a courtroom. The point of departure is the work of the architect Hiraku Kitai of Group O Architecture, currently working on a World Bank sponsored commission for a manual for courtroom designs for ‘developing countries’. Kitai’s work deals with the court as [...]
Monday, June 1st, 2009
Posted in EVENTS

A ‘Visual Cultures’ workshop on the relations between arts, cultural practices and globalization. 22nd of May – Ben Pimlott Lecture Hall, Ben Pimlott Building At stake is how are cultural practices informing processes of globalization? Conventionally the arts are seen to represent, to be illustrative, of the realities of globalization. Instead the concept of ‘Geo-Cultures’ [...]
Sunday, May 10th, 2009